The 50 Best Video Games: A Legend In Your Own Living-Room
Publication Region: International (UK)
Published: February 6, 1999
Cut-Off: December 31, 1998
SEE ALSO: The Independent (1999) | Indy100 (2025)
- 1. Half-Life (1998)
- 2. Street Fighter II (1991)
- 3. Super Mario Kart (1992)
- 4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
- 5. Total Annihilation (1997)
- 6. Time Crisis (1995)
- 7. Tekken 3 (1996)
- 8. Gran Turismo (1998)
- 9. Tomb Raider (1996)
Ranked As: Tomb Raider (1996) / Tomb Raider Anniversary (2007) - 10. Final Fantasy VII (1997)
- 11. GoldenEye 007 (1997)
- 12. Virtua Fighter 2 (1994)
- 13. Wipeout XL / Wipeout 2097 (1996)
- 14. Super Mario 64 (1996)
- 15. Civilization II (1996)
- 16. Quake (1996)
- 17. Final Fight (1989)
- 18. International Superstar Soccer ’98
Ranked As: International Superstar Soccer (Series – 1995) - 19. Metal Gear Solid (1998)
- 20. Command & Conquer (1995)
- 21. Virtua Cop (1994)
- 22. Soul Edge (1995)
- 23. Sensible Soccer
Ranked As: Sensible Soccer (Series – 1992) - 24. Worms (1995)
- 25. Battlezone (1998)
- 26. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (1998)
- 27. Streets of Rage (1991)
- 28. Kick Off 2 (1990)
- 29. Sonic the Hedgehog (Series)
Ranked As: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992) - 30. Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (1998)
- 31. Doom (1993)
- 32. Mortal Kombat (Series)
Ranked As: Mortal Kombat (1992), Mortal Kombat II (1993), and Mortal Kombat 3 - 33. Colin McRae Rally (1998)
- 34. Crash Bandicoot: Warped (1998)
- 35. Theme Park (1994)
- 36. Unreal (1998)
- 37. Marvel Super Heroes (1995)
- 38. 1080° Snowboarding (1998)
- 39. Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (1997)
- 40. Grand Theft Auto (1997)
- 41. Point Blank (1994)
- 42. Dead or Alive (1996)
- 43. FIFA ’99
Ranked As: FIFA Soccer (Series – 1993) - 44. Nights Into Dreams (1996)
- 45. The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)
- 46. Panzer Dragoon II Zwei (1996)
- 47. Pocket Fighter (1997)
- 48. Wave Race 64 (1996)
- 49. Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus (1998)
- 50. Age of Empires (1997)